Friday, December 14, 2007

Nothing Screams Latina Like A Big Ring!

I saw this ring today. At first I walked away. I was on my way to Gymboree to buy my daughter some tights to match her outfit for this weekend. (It's getting cold.) But this ring just called me back to the store next door and I couldn't say no to it. I love it!! I know it's really big, and some would say gaudy, but I couldn't help myself. The store Paula Fridkin on West Gray is just too cute. They have all kinds of great accessories.

I ended up wearing it to this Latina Coffee sponsored by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. I wasn't going to at first. I was wearing pretty conservative black and beige, but then I thought, "Why not?" Nothing screams Latina like a big ring! Actually, I also thought that the writer in me shows through my conservative corporate American attire.

So there it is and there's my hand modeling it.

It's late so more later on Magenta getting a medal for all her book reading for the March of Dimes, my observation at my neighborhood Target, and Rontu's comments on Starbucks. Good night!

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