Go on over to the Houston skirt! June issue and check out my feature on Girl in a Coma.
It's really challenging writing for a publication after I've been blogging as long as I have. Especially since I'm so accustomed to writing in the first person and really saying how something spoke to me personally.
I loved interviewing Girl in a Coma for this story, but I couldn't say everything that I wanted to say in 640 words. I touched on the fact that I love the song Simple Man, but the words couldn't really grasp the feeling.
I listen to that song and I feel all of the passion in the words and the poetry. It's amazing to me that Nina Diaz was only 15 when she wrote that song and I told her. I told them that whenever that song comes on I tell the kids to be quiet and I turn the radio up and sing it. The kids already know the words. Maybe not a good thing!
Phanie laughed and said that it reminded her of when they were kids and their mom would turn up a song that she loved and she would tell them, "Listen to the words!"
The words to the song are powerful. Words like, "your eyes were the thrill of my life" and "your words made the poem called our lives."
"Simple man what dirty hands you have
oh the better to leave your greasy mark on
and oh ohhh how i missed you tonight."
Their new album, Trio BC, is just as good, if not better, than their first album. Go on over to imeem.com to listen to a sample.
Some of my favorites are "El Monte," "Ven Cerca" (their first song in Spanish), "Bb," "Pleasure and Pain," and "Vino." Honestly, I think I like almost all the songs on this CD.
If you are in Houston this week and you'd like to check out their new CD, they'll be at Best Buy on Richmond and 610 on Monday at 7 p.m.
They'll also be at Fitzgerald's on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Fitzegerald's is on the corner of White Oak and Studewood in the Heights.
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