Friday, June 11, 2021

Blog Therapy

Sometimes when I'm getting down and into that place, when I'm not doing the things I need to be doing, I should open this blog and read my own words. Why can't I always stay this positive? Because I'm human that's why. It's hard to keep going non-stop and sometimes all we can do is our best. 

#9 Typewriter Key Tattoo on My Wrist

I got a tattoo last month. I was supposed to get it for my 50th birthday, but we all know what a "show" that was between toegate, picc line and allergic reaction. So it never happened until now at almost 51 and a half. 

It’s a typewriter key with the number 9.  Number nine to symbolize the nine weeks that I had the picc line in my arm. It’s a constant reminder that I have to take care of my health and my body. If that means reading this blog every day, so be it. 

The parentheses, above the nine on the keyboard, is a funny coincidence, but also appropriate because it reminds me that there is always more to the story. (Anyone who has ever heard me tell a story knows there’s always a side note inside a parentheses) The typewriter key is my reminder to write.

Two important reminders: My health and my writing. The two things I'm concentrating on right now.

Old typewriter I wish I'd bought from my sister.

Newest news is that I'm working on a novel. This is only my second novel since the one I was writing when I started this blog in 2004. I've written years and years of blog posts, articles, and a few short stories over the years. But I never published that first novel and I never did more. 

I always remember that woman who called me from Las Vegas because she was writing a paper on a Hispanic author for her English class. Her teacher gave the class a list of authors and somehow I ended up on the list. Yes, I was confused too. The woman told me she had chosen me because she wanted to write about a living author. I was flattered, but I felt like such a poser when there are so many Hispanic authors, who I personally know, who would have been way more appropriate.  

I want to write this novel for me, but I also want to write it for that woman. 

This is it. This is THE novel. This is the one. Get ready.

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