Wednesday, May 07, 2008

27 Dresses and Other Adventures

Rey and I watched "27 Dresses" last night. I loved it! I told a co-worker today and she asked me didn't I think it was cheesy. My response: "I'm a sucker for romantic movies." I love movies like this one. Especially when there's an interesting twist, like the fact that the guy writes wedding announcements.

I know! Not a deep movie at all. I know it wasn't "The Hours," or anything like that. I love that movie by the way.

Anyway, I liked "27 Dresses" just like I liked "Must Love Dogs" and other movies in that genre.

I took the kids out in their new bikes today. My little one got tired and couldn't ride his bike very well because the seat was hurting his "colita," according to him. He decided to run instead and convinced his Daddy to join us.

My daughter had to get used to the new bike and she kept going really fast. I had to run to keep up with her, so I got a good 30 minute run/walk. I sweated and it was good. Another day of running! I've already worked out 3 times this week.

It's 9 p.m. and I have 2 goals tonight, after my daughter finishes homework. One is to wash all the dishes and the other is to fold the laundry. Au Revoir!

1 comment:

Moose said...

COLITA! I have not heard of the word in a long time. Your son is really funny.

I want to see 27 Dresses. I need to break away a little from all the flesh eating zombies.