Friday, February 06, 2009

Even the Little Girls Loved Kat Von D in Houston

Photos by Rey Ruiz
“¡Ya la vi!” exclaimed a little girl excitedly to her parents in Spanish.
“She’s so beautiful!” said a young teenage girl in awe to her friend. They smiled and giggled shyly at being overheard. She wasn’t the only one who said it. The same comment was heard over and over again from several young women who all seemed to have a girl crush on Kat Von D.

Close to a thousand people packed the Barnes & Noble Bookstore at Westheimer and Voss in Houston Tuesday night to buy Kat Von D’s new book, High Voltage Tattoo and to stand in line for the famous tattoo artist from LA Ink (TLC show). The store sold out of 600 books within minutes and the line of customers snaked all the way around the 45,000 square foot store past the Starbucks and the bookcases. They all hoped for a chance to have their book signed and to have a few seconds of the TV star’s time.

Kat Von D drew a crowd even larger than Oscar de la Hoya when he debuted his book at the same Barnes & Noble last year. All ages and variations of people made up the fans. There was the young Spanish speaking couple with their young children, White and Hispanic moms in their forties with their teenage daughters, teenagers with their friends, partners, and young men with tattoos. Definitely a lot of people with ink showed up.

The event was hosted by Nuestra Palabra, Latinos Having Their Say.

1 comment:

Moose said...
