Friday, March 11, 2005


Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Life is just passing me by too fast! I can't believe my baby boy is 10 months already and my little girl turned 4 today (technically yesterday because it's after 12). It really does seem like just yesterday I was pregnant with both of them.

I can't believe it's going to be a year since my last reading at Nuestra Palabra when I finally decided what direction my novel was going to go. I'm reading again in a couple of weeks so if you're in Houston come and hear me read at 7 p.m. on March 23rd at MECA.

For those of you who know about my fabulous writer cousin, Oscar Casares, he has an article in this month's Texas Magazine. Check it out.

It's late and I'm exhausted. I was running after the baby all evening. He put a dime in his mouth once and one of Miranda's little plastic rings another time. I had to fish them out each time with one finger while he gagged, more from my finger than the object.

Rey watched the kids for one hour while I wrote and then I had kid duty until 12 when I finally was able to take a shower. He put the baby to sleep and I got Miranda ready for bed when I came out of the shower.

I know! We don't keep traditional hours. We don't put our kids to bed at 8 or 9 like well disciplined people. But to tell you the truth it works out better this way. The baby will still wake up at 7 but at least he sleeps through the night. Miranda will sleep late and she'll still be asleep when I take her to the sitter's but she won't be cranky in the late afternoon when she refuses to take a nap. It all works out in the end.

Work is interesting right now. I can't say much yet but I'll keep you all updated. When will I finish my novel so I can sell it for a lot of money and write full time??? I can dream can't I?

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